
As I write this I completely feel like a rockstar... I was contacted by a wonderful lady named Joan, the Director and Founder of Tip Top Products, about reviewing some of their products. I was completely shocked and flattered. Obviously, I said yes. I was baking cookies Monday when all the sudden my doorbell was ringing and it sounded like the door was about to be broken down. I rushed to the door and was pleasantly surprised by a mailman asking me to sign for my international package. Oh, did I mention that Tip Top Products is a South African company! I could barely contain my excitement when I realized what I was holding. I tore into the package and started to open the the cello bag before I realized I should take a picture lol Joan kindly sent me four bottles of polish to review. From left to right of the bottom line-up in the picture: Nail Addict by Tip Top Café Café, Love From Above, Dangerous Robot, and Smell the Roses.
To begin with, I ADORE THE BRUSH! It not the usual thick or thin, but holds the polish in such a way that it evenly disperses it as you pull it across you nail and doesn't drag AT ALL!

First up in the review, my least favorite of the four as far as application/formula is concerned, Love From Above. Let me qualify that with I adore the brightness and slight silver shimmer (hard to see in the pictures) of this polish. The picture above is the first coat. The pictures to the left and right alternative three and two coats from the index finger down to the pinkie with no top coat. I think a topcoat might bring out the shimmer more, but didn't think to try it until after my sweet dog, Buddy, messed up the swatches. I polish is on thin side, so I definitely recommend three thinish coats to achieve even opacity. I am looking forward to future art with this polish.

Next up is a polish that I am completely over the moon about and my mother (who doesn't wear polish on her fingernails hardly EVER) was completely drooling over. Café Café is a camel tan with a wonderful gold shimmer. The formula is the perfect consistency. Thick, but not gloopy, still thin enough to spread easily. The picture to the right is just one coat in two different lights. The pictures below are two coats with no top coat, and the shimmer is completely alive. This is a polish that I, and apparently my mother, will get many a mile out of. I just wish that the bottle were bigger!

Smell the Roses is right on par with Café Café. The same perfect consistency, maybe a little better even. If you look to the right, the picture is only one coat! Someone could totally get away with wearing it this way. It is such a gorgeous bright and rosy, but deep, reddish pink. It's actually really hard to completely describe and capture this stunning shimmery polish. The below pictures are two coats and no top coat. Again, the shimmer is dancing in the light even without the top coat.

The next polish is actually a jelly based polish, of which I own very few. Jellies aren't usually my thing honestly. I prefer polishes that end up opaque and jellies never quite seem to get there, even an extremely pigmented one like this. But, I was very impressed by this polish. And even if I weren't, the name is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! I would love to hear how it came about it's name :) Above to the right is one coat (ring finger) versus two coats (pinkie). Below that is two (ring finger) versus three (pinkie). And finally at the end is three (ring finger) versus four (pinkie). Interestingly, in the last picture the polish on pinkie seems opaque, but in real life it wasn't quite there. I considering attempting my first jelly sandwich with Dangerous Robot. Actually, I'm dying to try a jelly sandwich with Dangerous Robot! So definitely be on the look out for that NOTD :D

I want to say a BIG, HUGE, Texas-sized "THANK YOU" to Joan and Tip Top Products for choosing me to review their wonderful products. I am so grateful and still so flattered and surprised. I look forward to ordering more polishes from from Tip Top one day in the future. Until then, there will definitely be plenty of NOTD manicures with the ones above. :D Don't forget to like them on
Facebook either!
Thanks & Gig 'em!
**** The products reviewed in this post were provided at no cost to myself by the company for my honest review. The opinions expressed above are my own, completely honest, and unbiased. I received no further compensation than the polishes themselves.****